Go Higher to Achieve Sustainability: The Tale of Divert NS and Saeplast Americas Inc.


Imagine a scenario where two pioneering companies, each committed to achieving unparalleled sustainability through innovative methods—Divert NS and Saeplast Americas Inc.—boldly face the recycling challenge head-on.



Introducing Divert Nova Scotia: This entity transcends the typical corporate framework, emerging as the powerhouse of recycling efforts across Nova Scotia. With a legacy spanning over a quarter-century, Divert NS has been at the forefront of promoting environmental stewardship, educational initiatives, and innovative programming, propelling Nova Scotia to the apex of waste diversion solutions on a global scale. Remarkably, Divert operates on a self-funding model, utilizing environmental fees and revenues from recycled materials. Over 70% of its income is reinvested into local communities, bolstering curb-side collection services and empowering residents to embrace the principles of reducing, reusing, and recycling.


Partners in Excellence:

Enter the arena, Saeplast Americas Inc., a leader in the realm of innovative container solutions, where the quest for efficiency, sustainability, and dependability is not merely idealistic but essential. Saeplast's robust containers are crafted to exceed the demands of industries while offering unmatched advantages.



The synergy between Divert and Saeplast initially took shape through the provision of high-quality, Polyurethane Insulated Containers (PUR) for the Beverage Container Refund Program. Yet, driven by a mutual ambition for greater environmental sustainability, their collaboration evolved, paving the way for the introduction of Saeplast Triple Wall Polyethylene (PE) containers. These containers, celebrated for their durability, stackability, and 100% recyclability, have emerged as the vanguards of recycling efforts, adeptly navigating the most daunting challenges.

United in their mission to "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle," Saeplast and Divert are redefining societal norms around consumption, championing the cause of minimizing environmental footprints by advocating for a reduction in single-use items and emphasizing the significance of product longevity and recyclability.



The narrative is far from over. Saeplast is venturing beyond the conventional boundaries of recycling bins, exploring the potential of a Buy Back Recycling Program that promises a revitalized lifecycle for both PUR and PE container lines. This forward-thinking initiative signifies a bold leap towards sustainability, with Divert NS spearheading this transformative movement.

Embark on this journey toward a sustainable future with Divert NS and Saeplast. Together, they are not merely participating in the recycling movement—they are revolutionizing the principles of recycling, one innovative container at a time.